Its been a busy spring! Lots of good things and some really crazy BAD things
First, the bad things. 1. April 7, 7am, a van came off the highway and left a path of destruction through my duck pen, my gazebo, and 5 fences, coming to a stop after slamming into, and uprooting my neighbour's 30-year-old plum tree. Click Miraculously no animals were hurt. 2. I hit a deer on the highway :-( and my car was written off. 3. Another car left the highway and took out 8 of my 10 pampas grass clumps along with my little split rail fence :-) Click
Now that's 3 - so that's quite enough of that! On to the good stuff

I had a steady twice monthly 2 DAY WORKSHOP schedule. Lots of great creations. I'm taking the summer off and will resume in the Fall. Please click HERE for the fall schedule and more information.

I held a couple of 2 HR MINI WORKSHOPS and had some great fun with the fairy makers. I have scheduled a couple more evening Fairy ones in the Studio For July 18 and Aug 15, 6:30 to 8:30pm Click HERE for more info and to book your space.

MUSIC: May 7, I had a little 'House' concert in the studio with Jenny Lester and Michelle Beauregard. The studio can hold up to 25 seats comfortably and makes for a nice entertainment evening.
I've been enjoying the Monday evening circle jams at the Crown and Anchor pub. Practice sessions have spilled into the Cathouse and are filling the air with some pretty sweet acoustic music.

DRAWING: The Tuesday evening drawing sessions have been going strong with a steady group of 7 - 10 artists joining in for some wonderful live models for two 50-minute poses in an evening.

PAINTING I've been having a lot of fun painting trees lately on large canvases. Its all about the rhythm of the strokes.

SCULPTURE SALES. I've had some very good luck with sales and commissions. Gone from the Cathouse garden are 'Circe', and 'Aviva' and Tatania. I completed a commissioned memorial angel man and MIKE THE DOG is now sitting up on top of Brian's Feed and Garden sign in Bowser. For the wonderful story of Mike the clever bartending dog of the Bowser Hotel who was written up by Ripley's Believe it or not.. Click HERE

EXHIBITIONS: I'm thrilled with my good luck of being accepted into a number of Exhibits.
- The Arrowsmith Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA) accepted my abstract acrylic painting "Field" Click HERE
- The FCA "On The Edge" Exhibition accepted "Alphonse" Show starts July 24
- The Sooke Fine Arts Show 2023 accepted 'The Alicorn' and 'Liberty'. Show starts July 29
- The FCA "Representational" Exhibition accepted 'Galatea'. Show starts Aug 14
- I'm waiting with fingers crossed to see if I am accepted into SSAP announcing July 17