Silver Wing Ceremonial White Dove Releases
Serving Mid Vancouver Island from Courtenay to Nanaimo
From a flock of doves to illustrate the joy of a Wedding Day, to a single white dove winging skyward from a Graveside Memorial, SilverWings White Doves can bring the magic of our beautiful birds to your ceremony.

White doves have been recognized over the ages as symbols of love, peace, hope, faith & fidelity. Dove release has a great impact and is a enviromental friendly alternative to balloon releases, rice or confetti. Our birds are strong flyers that have been bred and trained for releases and can find their way home from great distances. We start training them as babies to fly from short distances back to the coop, gradually increasing the distance in each direction. They are swift flyers, being clocked with speeds of up to 70km / hr , most often beating us home to the coop and their apres flight treats. It is not known exactly how they do it, but the love of home inspires them to fly back. These birds are our pets, each with its own personality, bringing the joy of caring for a beautiful creature to us. It is thrilling to hear their wings and watch them head for the sky, gather in a big circle, find their bearings and strike off to home.
Our Doves
From festive to solemn, formal to casual
~ we can tailor our displays to suit your ceremony ~

For an outdoor wedding, releases are traditionally done at the end of the ceremony, after the exchange of vows and rings and the first kiss.
For church weddings, the release can be done as the new couple exits the building and announces their union.
Special arrangements with photographers can be made to capture the most dramatic shots.

A ceremonial white dove release for funeral or memorial service is a peaceful and inspirational way to honor the memory of a loved one and provide friends and family an expression of a final good-bye.
A single dove is released, followed by a flock to represent family members.
The doves gather together in a large circle and head off into the sky.
Special Events

We also release doves for celebrations and events such as grand openings, parades, retirements, special athletic events, anniversaries and many others.
It adds a memorable, exciting and elegant display to any occasion.
From a "Mass Flock Release" to a controlled "21 Dove Release", we can give your event the impact of a memorable vision.
We never take our birds further than they are able to make it home nor do we fly them in poor weather.
They do not fly at night so all releases have to be 1 hour before sun down to give the birds time to get home.
You may hold and release the birds, or you may choose to release them from our baskets or cages.
Prices vary from $75 to $300 depending on number of birds, props, and distance.

We are happy to work with you
to make your event unforgettable.

Contact Us
5320 Island Hwy W. Qualicum Beach BC
Please call for appointment